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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Feeding question
Feeding question
Food, Diet
Apr 17 2017
07:14:09 PM
Hey guys so i have 2 gliders, they are around 3months old and i am feeding them mealworms, apple slices, grapes and carrots, as well as the leadbeaters diet

I was just wondering when i should be giving them what, and how much should i be giving them, i usually leave the water, mealworms and fruits and vegetables in their cage day and night, which i replace every morning, and put the leadbeaters in the night, and remove in the morning, but they do not seem to be eating much of the leadbeaters so i was wondering if maybe they fill up on everything else and therefore do not eat their required diet, also how much should they be eating of the leadbeaters

Appreciate any help! Thanks in advance
Food, Diet
Apr 17 2017
08:45:16 PM
BennyNace Glider Visit BennyNace's Photo Album 100 Posts
If they're not really eating the leadbeaters maybe you could try another diet. I use the pet glider diet and mine like it really well. Add Some veggies and fruits with a good calcium ratio such as : spinach, black berries,rasberries,and papaya. If you google sugar glider calcium to phosphorus ratio there is a chart. I feed mine at night around 10 when they're waking up and remove the food in the morning when they go to bed. There are lots of different diets you just need to choose one that's ideal for you and your gliders. There are cereals that can be left in the cage all day incase they get the munchies.
Food, Diet
Apr 17 2017
09:03:52 PM
Danial111 Joey 13 Posts
So i should be removing the mealworms and fruits during the day too? Because they seem to be eating the same amount during the day as at night, but they never seem to finish the leadbeaters, they are eating the leadbeaters, so i know that they do like it, but im not sure if im just giving them too much food during the day which is causing them to not finish their food at night. And also if im giving them too much during the night of the leadbeaters diet, which may make me think they are not eating enough because its never finished
Food, Diet
Apr 17 2017
11:41:04 PM
lilsistar Super Glider Visit lilsistar's Photo Album 293 Posts
You can try what I do? Around the time they wake up I give them their fruits and veggies and the staple. This way they are hungry when they wake up and go straight for the staple then the fruits and veggies. The food is also fresh when they begin to eat because I just put it in.

I keep the fruit and veggies in the cage until I feed them again so if they have left overs they can eat it during the day. Usually they don't touch it.

Food, Diet
Apr 18 2017
07:11:27 AM
BennyNace Glider Visit BennyNace's Photo Album 100 Posts
And meal worms are fatty I only give them to my babies 2 or 3 times a week as treats. It's possible they are filling up on worms cause I'm sure it's the first thing they're eating. Mealworms are like crack to the little boogers.
Feeding question

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Feeding question