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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Feeding and activity questions
Feeding and activity questions
May 19 2021
09:43:37 AM
Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some insight from everyone to help me make some healthy adjustments for my 5 gliders. My work schedule has recently become more unpredictable and I’ve been working later and longer days, which has caused me to fall off my gliders normal routines. I was wondering if anyone has any tips to reduce the time for nightly meal prep. I currently keep a stock of frozen fruits and veggies for quick access, with a supply of fresh fruits and veggies to offer when I have time to cut up everything at night. I’ve seen where people prep ice cubes with the fruit and veggies mixed in with the nectar mix and I was wondering if anyone has experience with his and how their gliders respond to it. Do show any kind of preference toward non mushy (I’m assuming from having been frozen in the liquid) veggies or fruits over having them separate from the liquid? I’d also be curious to find out what size cube trays you use. I currently use trays that are perfectly measured to their wambaroo servings. I was also thinking this would make it easy for friends who take care of them when we have to go out of town.

My other question is how negative would day time tent time be to their health? I’ve always tried to wait till they’re up and moving around at night to get them out, but unfortunately I’ve been working 12-13 days and not getting home until just a few hours before I have to go to bed. With 5 gliders, 3 dogs and a husband to try to spend time with each day, their tent time hasn’t been able to happen as often as I used to be able to. Since I’m off every Wednesday, I have a bit more time during the day than I do at night when it’s just me at home. I’m hoping this work schedule won’t last long, but right now it’s looking like it may not slow down until July or August, and not keeping up with the gliders routine is not acceptable to me, so I’m looking into how I can adjust things to get us back on a normal schedule. I’m working on finding a way to make space to keep their tent up all the time to help cut down on the amount of time, but it’s been a bit slow moving trying to squeeze in reorganizing with my schedule.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my long post, and thank you so much in advance for any advice or suggestions you guys have to send my way.
Feeding and activity questions

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Feeding and activity questions