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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Eye area swelling but it's NOT abscess
Eye area swelling but it's NOT abscess
Health related
Nov 09 2024
11:26:07 AM
Hi all. I'm at a loss here. Suggie has had a swelling on his face the last two weeks but after an X-ray we've determined it's NOT an abscess. Doc doesn't know what it could be. Here's a summary of the last 2 wks. Here's a link to pics of his swelling

First visit 26th OCT
- Noticed the swelling on his face on 25th Oct, it didn't seem to be painful. Appetite, mood, behavior, energy levels were all fine and completely normal.
- Vet said he had a corneal scratch and had a little eye ulcer.
- Prescribed him with a 10-14 day course of anti-biotic eyedrops along with a 7 day course of anti-inflammatory oral meds
- Eye was fine for the first 10 days but started to get bigger and redder as we closed into the 14th day.

Second visit 9th NOV
- X-rays ruled out tooth abscess and bone issues. Everything looked perfectly fine.
- Doc was confused, as he was expecting an abscess.
- The eye ulcer was also healing well, which makes it even stranger that the swelling wasn't going away but getting bigger.
- He hypothesized that it was possible the tear duct is blocked causing the eye gland to swell up. Flushed the eye with some cold water. Mentioned that a removal of the contaminant in the tear duct could be complicated bc of how tiny their eyes are, compared to rabbits.
- Advised to continue with the antibiotic eyedrops and warm compress as often as possible in hopes to help with inflammation and maybe open up the duct and release the contamination that's been stuck there.
- Return again in 10 days or earlier if swelling gets worse. If nothing changes in 10 days, we might try a small dosage of steriods to treat as an allergic reaction.
- I asked about cancer but the vet didn't think we have to jump to that conclusion just yet.

Now I'm really just posting here in hopes to find someone who might have had a similar experience with this, be it a dog, squirrel, rabbit, rat etc. His eye really does seem to be getting worse, and I am just lost as to what it is. He isn't too bothered by it, he doesn't hiss in pain when the area is handled. His appetite is as voracious as before. His energy levels are the same, and he's perfectly in control of all his motor functions.

Help please :(
Health related
Dec 12 2024
08:25:54 PM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
is he living by himself, or with another/other suggies? may have got a scratch during a scrap...

been a month now - hope he is better

I've personally has an occluded gland, or blocked tear duct, in my lower eye lid... swelled up but warm compresses and antibiotics helped resolve it.

awhile back one of my suggies scratched just inside of my lower eye lid - whole eye socket went purple and a boil formed and erupted at the scratch site - eyeball unaffected. Used alcohol compress on closed eye twice daily and purple went away, but some inflammation remained ~ got Neomycin ointment from Doc which cleared up the rest
Eye area swelling but it's NOT abscess

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Eye area swelling but it's NOT abscess