
Subject: Re: to trim or not to trim?
Posted by Susan on February 27, 1999 at 10:42:24:

In Reply to: to trim or not to trim? posted by Kris,Mike, and Java )i( on February 27, 1999 at 00:02:50:

How do you manage to trim their nails? Mine won't sit still long enough to trim their nails. I have used sandpaper wrapped around a tree branch to reduce their sharpness and it seems to be working well but I am also interested in trimming them back some.
: i think not trimming their nails (or at least putting sanded bird perches in there, i do. works wonderfully, btw) is cruel. in the wild their teeth and nails are worn downby frequent use, take them out of the wild and this must be done for them, blessed be.

: kris, mike and Java)i(

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