
Subject: A good story about some gliders I saw in a pet store!!!
Posted by Jess on March 11, 1999 at 17:08:35:

I have some good news everyone! I am visiting my aunt in New York, like 20
minutes from my house and we went shopping and I told her I wanted to go into
the petstore for 10 minutes to get something for Rooey, so I did. I walked in,
and I see these cages with little sleeping pouches in them and I go, "No, it
cant be!" But of course it was, and there was 2 female gliders and a male. So,
I asked if they can be held and he let me! They were tame, hand raised sugar
gliders. He feeds them fruit and veggies and special food w/ calcium and
vitamins too. The only prob was that he didnt believe me that the male was a
male. I had to point out the bald spot AND show him a book before he believed
me. Its so nice to see a pet store who knows what they are doing! And they
were even bonded to him. He was selling them for $175 ea, so that wasnt so far
fetched. Well, ttyl!
~*Jess and Roo*~

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