
Subject: Re: Pet Library
Posted by kris and Java)i( on March 18, 1999 at 01:31:31:

In Reply to: Pet Library posted by Tiffany on March 11, 1999 at 23:21:42:

i haven't seen the article, but i wonder about the legality of it. isn't that like renting kids before you decide you want them? you don't know that all the people are treating the animals with respect. if they don't have a well developed sense of responsibilty in the first place.....i fear the animal will suffer. since it isn't thier pet, they may feel that they don't have to treat it well, it is going to go back in two weeks anyway. i think it would be a better idea to have the people come in for a week, everyday, let them take care of the animal. that way the animal is safe(r) in the company of the cregiver, but people are still getting the expierience of what it is like. you could make a pet "parent" boot camp. where they have to do all the not too fun tasks over and over again. then when they have mastered these, perhaps they get to see the live animal. i know, i am mean. i just hate it when these poor animals have to suffer because someone didn't think before they got a pet. just me i guess. blessed be.
kris and Java)i(

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