
Subject: Re: Sugar Gliders
Posted by Terry on December 02, 1997 at 18:11:16:

In Reply to: Sugar Gliders posted by Ben Dalton on December 01, 1997 at 20:17:15:

: Do Sugar Gliders need any shots. Do they get any illnesses....ext?

Nope! Nada!
I have seen no illnesses in any of my pets so far. (IF) you feed them a varied and nutritonal diet, give them exercise, allow for mental health such as a partner, family or lots of attention, and offer lots of love, they will never get sick.
The only malady I am aware of is when they lack calcium and other vitamins such as vitamin D and their bones go soft. Their pelvis can bend inward and paralyze and pain them. All the above along with an occasional pet vitamin additive can make a world of difference.

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