
Subject: Re: Jane -- on the diet/catfood post...
Posted by Jane on December 20, 1999 at 15:59:38 from

In Reply to: Jane -- on the diet/catfood post... posted by Jess on December 20, 1999 at 15:51:12:

Jess, you should be trying to find the RepCal- this has calcium without phosphate- much better and easier to adsorb. If you can not find it at your pet store try either Clara's supply page or some of teh petstores that are on line. It is so much easier to get glider provisions on line. As to teh bird food I have heard of nutri berries but they sound like treats not a main staple. Apart from that your leadbeaters sounds fine if you just add the repcal instead of glideraide. I sometimes puree mixed veg into my leadbeaters and even meat sometimes. all things that increase the nutrition of the mix. Thanks for replying it makes me feel a lot better about Roo- also have you tried buying some of the Mazuri omnivore food from Clara. They do not eat a lot but it is the dry food of my choice at the moment. I believe Clara sells small quantities for single glider owners.
: I'll stop giving her catfood, but when I said bird food, it's not bird seed. They are little balls with all sorts of stuff in them called Nutra-Berries, are these okay? How would you suggest I change my leadbeaters? I cannot get Roo to eat veggies, so I tried putting veggie babyfood into it and she still loved it. (The only veggie she will eat is corn and potatoes.) If you feed leadbeaters can you give me your recipie to try out cause I'm always willing to try something new, if it could be better for roo. I tried finding rep-cal but all I could find was repto-cal (or maybe viseversa, I tried finding repto-cal but only found repcal.) Anyway, are they the same thing? Which one is the real stuff. Also one more thing, can Briskys be fed free choice with her normal diet or will it be knocked off balance? Thanks...
: Jess

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