
Subject: Re: Mary...
Posted by Mary on May 02, 2000 at 12:21:08 from

In Reply to: Mary... posted by Peesh on May 01, 2000 at 23:38:04:

Lets see Tana pretty much answered your question about the parasites. Deffinitly stay away from pork and beef..but turky and chicken should be ok. Read her post for explinations of that. Its not just bad for gliders its bad for all animals people included..thats why I stopped eating beef and pork. Humans have a much larger body weight than gliders so they can host parasites without dying from it. Thats why most people can eat the pork or beef without getting sick. Or they get sick and call it heartburn and the such. Anyways abck to the treat question. Leabeaters is the most importiant part of your diet make your glider eats enough leadbeaters everyday. As well as the fruits and veggies, and mealworms. Its ok to give treats when you have a wellbalanced diet, but do not over do it. If your glider fills up on sweets they will not want to eat the healthy stuff. Don't offer the treats at the same time as the leabeaters. When I give treats I do it durring the day, and feed all my healthy food durring the night hours where they are going to eat the most. When it comes to treats just remember that too much of anything can be bad. Give treats in small ammounts, and do not give the same treat everyday. Make sure the treat is appropriate to their body weight. A small treat for a human would obviously be a huge meal for a glider. To be honest my glider only gets "treats" a few times a week, because I feed 2 meal worms durring the day every day and he thinks they are treats. So I have sort of tricked my glider into eating healthy treats.

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