
Subject: Bonding two gliders
Posted by Jessica on May 10, 2000 at 14:07:06 from

Ok I know I've asked a very similar question before, and I'm very greatful for the helpful responses, but it didn't exactly answer my questions. I'll try to be a little more spacific this time, sorry. Everything I've read on bonding two Gliders so far always says to bond one at a time, or only get one at a time. Well that posess a little problem for me for one because I already bought two gliders. Also my situation is a little different. Me and my fiance bought two Gliders together. The general idea is that one will bond with me, and the other with my fiance. As I understood it the best way to start the bonding prosses is to first try to get them to take food out of your hand. (as well as a shirt that has been worn on the cage) Well I don't think it wise to have both of us reaching in at these little things to try to feed them. (probably scare more than anything els) My fiance is afraid that if I handle them first, that they will both bond with just me. If anyone has sugestions, please, the more input the better. Thanks!

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