
Subject: Overweight glider
Posted by Tela on May 22, 2000 at 13:43:54 from

Hi. I have a problem. One of my two female gliders is overweight. I have had them both for two years, they are sisters. The overweight glider, Cleo, has always been the "alpha" female, she has always been first to the food dish. At their last checkup, the vet reccommended putting two food dishes in, and I did, but this has not seemed to have helped Cleo lose any weight. I put her in her plastic ball every day for a hour, and she runs around the house. I am starting to get worried about her. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help her lose weight? She also lately has started to not jump around in her cage as much as she used to. Thanks in advance. Tela

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