
Subject: Re: Education That's great, If only people would remember it.
Posted by Jane on June 23, 2000 at 11:59:45 from

In Reply to: Re: Education That's great, If only people would remember it. posted by grasshopper on June 23, 2000 at 08:10:21:

There are four of us moderating and we cross moderate. We do try to moderate oursleves too. But we are human. If someone who has contributes no useful info mouths off perhaps we are inclined to delete that before deleting someone who we know as a contributor. I know I moderate Kim less harshly. But also if the person makes a real point then moderating ie deletion is hard. Yes B, Myself and Kim explode but we also give valuable info or we would never have lasted.
: From observing and being new on this board, I noticed that it is the same "veterns" that loose their tempers and start going off in a non productive manner. I've also noticed that they don't delete themselves much. With what you have written in mind, is everyone now going to be treated the same? If someone goes off into a tantrum, loosing the point of the question, will they then be deleted too? I'm truely not trying to start anything but to me these are legimate questions. If I am out of line, I apologize in advance.

: Well, I'm going to start a new thread. Haven't done it in a while, but I think there is a need - seems that we have too many chiefs here and not enough indians.

: : In light of all the recent differences of opinion on breeding, neutering and euthanasia, I can see there are alot of passionate people on this board. This is a good thing. But haven't you guys heard yet that you can catch more flies with honey???

: : Education is the key here. Instead of getting all hot and bothered about messages here, can't you guys seize the opportunity to HELP, rather than HINDER??? Offer advice and EDUCATE the newbies or those that are having valid problems. This is a place to GAIN INFO, not to get slammed. And sometimes its not WHAT you say, its HOW you say it. When someone is personally attacked, then they retaliate, and the original problem doesn't get solved. And who suffers for it? The glider.

: : I, myself, have dealt with alot of people over the years with rescues, babies, new pet owners and people who just email me with questions. Sure, sometimes I think "God, what a moron", but I offer the advice in a way that is acceptable SO THE ANIMAL WILL BENEFIT. Meaning, not to upset the owner and run them off, because then the animal suffers. You have to sort of "reel them in" and set the hook with a solution to their problem. There is no way to reel a person in that has just been blasted for asking a question, let alone setting the hook. Granted, some people just don't want to listen, but at least you can feel good that you TRIED.

: : I don't recognize alot of your names here anymore - I know Bourbon, Jane and a few others - but the names are about all that has changed here. I left this board a while back because of all the bickering that was going on - I came back because Bourbon kept getting on my case about it. But I'm starting to regret that I decided to stop by, because the whole point of this board gets lost in all the arguing.

: : I'd like to propose that we all make a pact to not freak out when someone asks a question but see what we can do to help instead. At all costs, lets remember the advice from Cynthia - GO FOR THE GOOD OF THE GLIDER. That is our main concern here, and when we get mad, that does not get accomplished. I'd like to stay and do what I can to help people, but I'm afraid I can't if this keeps up - I simply don't have the patience for it. So what do ya say? Anybody in agreement?

: : Ok B - how'd ya like that one??? Can ya back me up here?

: : KK

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