
Subject: Re: I hate to disagree but ....
Posted by Maly on June 30, 2000 at 17:49:29 from

In Reply to: I hate to disagree but .... posted by Maria on June 30, 2000 at 15:16:53:

: I have a couple more questions.

1)Yes he was the same size, but his eyes opened later.
2)He always is kind of far away from the family, but what's weird is that he never cries.

: 1) Was he the same size as his sister when they came oop?

: 2) You said the sister is nursing more, is he being allowed in the nest to nurse and sleep or is he near the opening of your nest and crying frequently?

: If he started at the same size and is now noticeably smaller, combined with injury on face would indicate that he is being rejected. If he is also crying alot and not allowed all the way into the nest to sleep and nurse that would also indicate rejection.



: : Sounds like he is fine, might've gotten a scratch from moms nail or something. Just keep an 'eye' on him and everything should be ok.

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