
Subject: Releaving story, that turned out to have a happy ending...
Posted by Jessica Toby and Sarah on July 13, 2000 at 12:23:41 from

Hello all. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just thought you guys might like to hear what happened to us last night. Normally, I carry Toby with me all day, and my fiance carries Sarah. Even so, I'm usually the sole care taker of the two. My fiance depends on me for information, and I feed and clean ect... (He got it easy, he just has to play with Sarah LOL) But yesterday, I had sergery to have a impacted molar removed. (tooth) I was not in the best of conditions when I arrived home. I was confident that Justin (My fiance) would feed the babies. He just talked to me from the kitchen and asked me how much of each thing to give. LOL Well, we usually leave open the cage door for a long period of time, (we are always there to supervise) because they are very shy about comming out without being on "us." Well, of course I was out like a light because of the drugs, and Justin forgot about the door being open, and went to bed. Looking back now, I'm so glad our babies trust us so much. This could have been really disasterous.
They were such good babies. I just still can't beleave it! Justin and I were both woken up at around 4:00am Sarah had finally come out of the cage, and headed strait for him. He woke up with her on his face licking the tip of his nose. I woke with Toby curled up on my chest under my shirt! Boy am I glad I'm a light sleeper who is use to little critters crawling on her. Justin felt so bad over the whole thing. I half awake was going "How the hell did they get out of the cage!" I mean I could stick an octopus in this thing, and it wouldn't get out. LOL Well, that will teach me to ever get sick again. LOL

Jessica Toby and Sarah

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