
Subject: More Questions!
Posted by Cindy on July 15, 2000 at 23:19:44 from

Ok here they are
1. My glider wont eat bourbons leadbeaters. (i made it EXACTLY like hers right down to the rice and mixed fruit cereal!) Ive tried everything mixing with sweet stuff like baby food, juice, i dont know what to do! Also She seems to like stuff that is more solid.. she licks at stuff like baby food and i am not sure about the leadbeaters but she doesnt lap it all up, just kinda takes a few licks then goes for the solids (fruit,veggies,etc)
Im worried that she wont get enough calcium and protein doing this!! =[ what should i do??
ok heres number 2. She has a regular hamsterwheel
its the kind with the holes ? not the round holes but the
other kind. ladder style u could say?? Ok well she doesnt touch it except sometimes when shes running around the cage she jumps on the bottom of it and runs upside down LOL
and then jumps off.. but it wont clamp to the new cage so now she has no wheel. Shoul I buy her a woden wheel? or should i just assume she doesnt like wheels??
question 3!
I know i said 2, but i just thought of this!
What kind of vines or branches are safe for me to put in her cage? do i have to buy some or should i get some real ones?? and where can i get some fromM??
Thanks guys!!
All input is greatly appreciated!!

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