
Subject: Re: Introducing baby female to older female
Posted by W on July 17, 2000 at 08:15:05 from

In Reply to: Introducing baby female to older female posted by Jei on July 16, 2000 at 22:20:30:

Hi- I introduced a 1 1/2 yr old very tame and bonded female to a baby and had no
problems. I kept then in seperate cages side by side--I had planned on a slow introduction
but they were so mezmorized with eachother and barking up a storm that they started
sharing a cage after about 4-5 days.

Previously to that, I let them sleep together during the day when I was home and able to supervise,
and then in the evening when they woke up to play I supervised then like a hawk! Like you said, the older
one was very interested in the younger one and closely insected her, sniffing, burying her nose in her ears,
grabbing body parts, etc. etc, --it seemed pushy but not mean. I think you would know if they hurt eachother.
My 2 gliders really throw a fit if one bits the other, even lightly!

Anyway, my older glider was really overly ready to have a companion and my baby was looking for more mothering
so everything worked out. Take it slow though, supervise, and hopefully the gliders will let you know when they are
ready to co-habitate.

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