
Subject: Re: Possibly sick glider...Need some advice...
Posted by Donna Pearlman on July 18, 2000 at 07:57:36 from

In Reply to: Possibly sick glider...Need some advice... posted by Sean on July 18, 2000 at 02:28:27:

I don't know if this will help, but this is what I feed my gliders. I use Bourbon's Leadbeater's everynight, whether they eat it our not. For a dried food (you didn't mention what you were feeding- don't use cat food) I use the Mazuri Omnivore food sometimes mixed with Brisky's, but they like the Mazuri's better. I've also heard that the Zupreem food is good, but haven't tried it. Don't feed alot of nuts and mealworms. They're high in fat, but I do give mealworms as treats as well as crickets. I try to alternate fruit and vegetables (limiting corn due to the phospherus). So far, I haven't had any problems with mine, and I've had them about a year and a half. I'm sure you'll getlots of helpful advise from some other people on the board. This is what works for me. Good luck and I hope your glider is okay.

: I'm taking her to the vet in about 7 hours (when they open),
: but I was hoping someone might have some additional advice.
: I guess I oughtta give some background first.
: She's about 6 months old, purchased through Petland (I,
: was being fed a dry diet w/ some live food. When I got her
: Friday, I gave her the same dry food she'd been on (to
: transition), plus fresh fruit, a few nuts, and mealworms.
: I just started feeding her Leadbeater's.
: I've had her out about 4 hours an evening (ok, night =)...)
: except Friday, I didn't handle her much that evening. She
: was active at the pet store, actually the most active and
: alert of the bunch (why I picked her), and was very active
: the past couple of nights during playtime. This evening,
: I returned home and found her sleeping (11pm), cranky, subdued,
: and unwilling to eat. However, she does chew on plastic.
: Her stool is harder than I would expect, her nose is pretty
: wet, and her ears aren't exactly what I'd call perky.
: Sooo...I guess this got kind of long...but anyhow...
: I've got a grounded glider, I'm taking her to the vet in
: the morning, but I thought I'd ask the voices of experience
: as well =).
: Is there any good way to find the source of this problem (I'm
: assuming for now I've got one)? It
: seems like it could be a million different things, but has
: anyone else experienced this, and how did you alleviate the
: problem?
: ...personally, I only see one avenue of relief, whatever the
: cost, since I'm already pretty attached to her =).
: Any comments, help, or even griping about my choice of pet
: stores ;) would be great.

: Thanks,
: Sean

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