
Subject: Re: PLEASE HELP!!
Posted by Angy on July 21, 2000 at 16:58:13 from

In Reply to: PLEASE HELP!! posted by Julie on July 21, 2000 at 09:08:46:

That is just terrible what your little glider is going through. I agree that you need to start feeding her fruits and vegitables and mealworm ect.. that is what a sg needs to be healty. If the glider is so young that it still needs milk then go to and buy some sg milk pellets for them. Just feeding a sg cat food is horrible and the person who sold her to you oviously was not knowledgeable on sg's and it really makes me mad to think about that. If you would like to know the exact diet i feed my gliders please email me and let me know i would be more than glad to tell you the proper diet to feed your sg. Please update us and let us know how the glider is doing ok! :P

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