
Subject: A new friend
Posted by Mandi on August 09, 2000 at 15:18:53 from

I've had my sugarglider for about 2 years; he's a neutered male and I want to get him a companion. His cagemate, also a neutered male of the same age died about a year ago. I was offered a free 9 month old male glider who is still intact. Veterinarians i've spoke to are wary about neutering him since he is already mature, but they would still do it. If I don't neuter him, or even if I do, is he more likely to be territorial and aggressive with my neutered 2 year old since he has been intact for so long? I want mine to have a friend, but I know 'gliders can be quite aggressive sometimes and i don't want him hurt. any info will help!

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