
Subject: Re: "Crying" baby glider
Posted by Larry Hardy on March 14, 1998 at 17:52:43:

In Reply to: "Crying" baby glider posted by Nancy on March 14, 1998 at 16:16:12:

: My husband and I just got ourselves two gliders about two days ago.
: His is very active and tries to escape his pocket and crabs at him
: all day. From what I read, this is typical and should stop soon.
: My glider (the girl) sleeps all day and seems to like being in my
: pocket, licks food off my hands,etc. The only thing is, at
: night she makes this "Tsk, tsk" sound all night long. This
: is (according to my husband's net research) a baby sound.
: Is there anything I can do for her to make this noise stop so
: we can sleep? I hate locking her in the bathroom!

My females do this sometimes, and I think is is the male smelling her and bothering her.
You couild check this separating them for some time and seeing if she stll does it. If she
does, I don't know what to tell you, except she may outgrow it. If the separation works,
it just might mean that the male is assering his dominance on her and it should stop once
he has control and she accepts hi dominance.

Not an expert, just anm opinion


: Than you!

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