
Subject: Re: He's so crabby!
Posted by Ray on February 09, 1999 at 13:12:24:

In Reply to: He's so crabby! posted by Kris and Java on February 09, 1999 at 05:05:55:

: Hi, again! Does anyone else expierience preferential treatment from thier gliders? My Mom tries really hard and Java doesn't seem to like her. She is gentle, etc. Any suggestions? Is he just a one-woman glider?

My glider HATES my sister. I think gliders memories are more like cats than dogs, stay with me I know this sounds off subject. If you torment a cat, they remember: but if you torment a dog they come right back. The reason my glider(ray) hates my sister is because when I first got him everyone wanted to here him crab. So she would call her friends and shake his nest box. Now every time he catchs a glimpse of her O LORD! Maybe you mom unintentionally upset him on a couple of occasions. So he sees her as that mean person. I don't think she's a bad person by the way.

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