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Posted by: Erin,
Subject: Rep-Cal or Reptocal?
When: 5:11 PM, 03 Dec 2000

Is there a difference between Rep-Cal and Reptocal? I can't seem to order ANY rep-cal from Canada!! Please help!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Rebekka
Subject: none
When: 5:24 PM, 03 Dec 2000

Yeah you want Repcal! Reptocal has something in it that isn't good for gliders I can't remember right now.....if yuo go to you can order it on-line there

Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: none
When: 7:17 PM, 03 Dec 2000

Yes, Rebekka is right. Reptocal has phosphorus in it and that takes away from the calcium absorption in gliders. There's other stuff that is just like RepCal and I can't remember what it is but go to the pet store and look at calcium supplements for reptiles that doesn't have phosphorus and that'll do. Ask the pet store people. Maybe they'll have some idea. Good luck. smile