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Posted by: Skyler, RoxyCLF
Subject: uncaged glider???
When: 6:08 PM, 25 Sep 2000

Follow Ups:

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 6:11 PM, 25 Sep 2000

where is your post? what is your question? frown

Posted by: Skyler, RoxyCLF
Subject: uncaged glider???
When: 6:13 PM, 25 Sep 2000

HI I wanted to know if it is ok to have a glider that doesnt have a cage, for them just to wonder around the house like a dog, is that ok? My glider has a cage and always will, but I was just wondering.
Courtney, and Skyler raspberry

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Too dangerous
When: 6:16 PM, 25 Sep 2000

I have seen a few people post thet their gliders don't have a cahe...and at the same time several people have said their glider were injured or killed because they were not in a cage. It is impossible to glider proof your enitre house. Even if you did gliders could still injure themselves. Gliders are not as big as dogs, and the risks to glider si much greater than that of a dog. I don't even letmy ferrets run around the house loose because there is way too much they can get into.

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: Charlie
When: 6:21 PM, 25 Sep 2000

For anyone with this questions, please go to stories and read about my beloved Charlie. He was my first sugar glider.
I would not want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. It has taken me almost two years to get over this.

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Its gone
When: 8:08 PM, 25 Sep 2000

karen I'm very sorry to tell you that soemone deleted all of the real stories there. frown I know it was very hard for you to share that story. I hope at some point they will be put back up. Its very sad. frown

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 9:59 PM, 25 Sep 2000

Story can be read under post Charlie-Uncaged.