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Posted by: Leslie,
Subject: switching sleeping habits
When: 8:21 PM, 09 Dec 2000

Has anyone ever tried to create daytime during the night and vice versa so the gliders' sleep habits would be the same as ours. I would hate to wake up a sleeping baby just b/c I wanted to play. How long do they sleep? Naps or all day?
Thanks much!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: derek,
Subject: none
When: 8:30 PM, 09 Dec 2000

Mine do the same the same thing but i get mine out at 7:00 and play with them till about 11:00 so really just wake them up at the same time everynight then gradully let get them 10 minutes earlyer then before

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 9:42 PM, 09 Dec 2000

Attempting to change a glider's sleep pattern to conform to ours is not only inadvisable but some consider even cruel to the glider.
Gliders were made to be nocturnal animals ... their internal clock is geared to this. Trying to change is extremely stressful for the gliders.
As you know gliders are prone to stress and some have even died from extremely stressful situations ... I would consider trying to change their sleep patterns an extremely stressful situation.
Some people have done this but only by waking them approximately 10 minutes earlier each night over a period of many months.
Personally, I would suggest just trying to get them up a little earlier rather than completely changing the sleeping hours.
I didn't really answer your question about daytime ... sorry ... most gliders do sleep all day sometimes waking up just long enough to stick their heads out or get a quick snack or drink. Then it's back to bed.

Posted by: Leslie,
Subject: none
When: 11:38 PM, 10 Dec 2000

Thanks for the replies. Guess I'll just stay a night person!