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Posted by: Anne,
Subject: Strange pouch thing. Help!
When: 1:53 AM, 14 Dec 2000

I just noticed something strange, like the very tip of two little pink glider fingers sticking out of Lilou's pouch. (Not at the base of the tail; really at the pouch).
She hasn't met a male glider and couldn't possibly be pregnant. Could it be normal (?) or is it a herniated pouch? Anyone has ever seen this? Aside from going to the vet (which I will do if it's needed), any of you knows what needs to be done about this? She is active and eats normally. Thanks.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: none
When: 4:19 AM, 14 Dec 2000

How old is your little girl and how long have you had her?

Posted by: none
Subject: none
When: 4:30 AM, 14 Dec 2000

Does your girl have a bulging pouch? Adn, again, how long have you had her???

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 6:14 AM, 14 Dec 2000

Their lil nipples kinda look like fingers, was her pouch opened a little?

Posted by: nikki,
Subject: none
When: 8:10 AM, 14 Dec 2000

This is a forum for discussion. Placements of messages wanting sugar gliders or selling sugar gliders will be deleted. smile

like "rocki's mom" said, it could just be one of her nipples...But i'm new to gliders too, so
i'm not sure! smile

Posted by: Anne,
Subject: answers
When: 10:48 AM, 14 Dec 2000

She is maybe one to one and a half year old. I got Lilou and Pipa in May 2000. It is hard to know their exact age because they were two of three gliders found in a box at the Aquarium. The note only said that all were females and one was one year old, two were 6 months old. I don't know which ones I got. I will have to see if it could just have been nipples showing. I just always saw a subtle little vertical line as the pouch. This was wurprising and worrisome.The pouch didn't seem bulgy though.

Posted by: Ellen
Subject: none
When: 1:36 PM, 14 Dec 2000

She really needs to see a vet and let him check her pouch. It could be prolapsing or she coud have mastitis.(sp..sorry). If the teets are out she can irritated them by just walking. SO I would get her checked.