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Posted by: jessica, jct5576
Subject: Cricket question
When: 8:25 PM, 17 Dec 2000

Crickets come in small, med, and large. I've bought the large and small ones before. If I prefer to buy the large ones, then exactly how many and how many times per week should I feed them to my two babies. Is it possible to overfeed crickets? My babies don't like mealies, but love frozen crickets. Should they get them every night? I also feed leadbeaters as well as fruits and veggies.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: none
When: 1:01 AM, 18 Dec 2000

Two to three large crickets per glider is enough one a daily basis. I feed crickets twice a weeks on Tuesday and Thursday and each pair get about a dozen crickets each time.