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Posted by: Rebelchikk
Subject: insectaphobia
When: 7:57 PM, 20 Dec 2000

Ok, everyone tells me how much their gliders love crickets...Well, i just put my two in a box with one or two crickets, and my gliders were scared of them!! I had their nesting box in there, and they jumped on top of that. I finally got Athena to eat part of a cricket, after i killed it and pulled it apart, but Aphrodite still wouldn't eat it. And neither of them would eat a live cricket. What do i do?!? Please help!!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Rachel2,
Subject: none
When: 8:40 PM, 20 Dec 2000

Are your gliders babies? Most gliders abhor anything that moves until they are older.

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 4:43 PM, 22 Dec 2000

Try mealworms...the crickets seem to be scarrier....gliders are likely to try mealworms before crickets.

Posted by: jessica, jct5576
Subject: none
When: 8:30 PM, 23 Dec 2000

I freeze my crickets. At feeding time I drop about 6 or7 "cricket pops" in the bowl and my babies go nuts. I started doing this because I couldn't touch the live crickets.

Posted by: unlovedmommy, wretchedscabbedwings@hotmail.c
Subject: none
When: 9:41 PM, 23 Dec 2000

You can use freeze dried crickets or if you buy the "can o' crickets" you can use tweezers to take them out, Thats what I do. I am going to get freeze dried ones next cause the can of crickets smells really bad!