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Posted by: ChooRu
Subject: Not eating veggies...
When: 11:42 AM, 24 Dec 2000

I made the leadbeaters recently, and at first he only ate a LITTLE, as in only a little apple and that was it. So, when I woke up and saw that, I figured I would try feeding it to him. He licked it off my finger well, the fruits he loved, the crickets even better, but the vegies he only ate a little corn, THAT'S IT. Am I using the wrong veggies? I bought a frozen bag of corn, beans, peas, and carrots and it's BirdsEye I believe. Not good? The next night he ate the BML, fruits, crickets, but absolutely NO veggies. What's the deal? I just don't think he likes them. What others can I try?

Also, he doesn't like mealies at ALL! I don't know why, it took an hour or two to get him used to crickets, but he just doesn't like mealies. I had to kill the crickets to get him to like them, you know, let him taste the guts. The mealies though, he tasted the guts(Oh just yummy...LOL), but almost shoved it away. So, in conclusion, will just crickets be good enough for protein in his diet? I use 5 crickets and two mealies, and if that's appropiate, what should I use if he doesn't like the mealies? Thanks for any help!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Robin,
Subject: none
When: 12:05 PM, 24 Dec 2000

I'm no expert, but the crickets are actually better than mealies because they are full of protein and have much less fat then mealies. So you are lucky there!

As for veggies, just keep trying. Their appetites can vary from day to day. I use the mixed veggies also and Kiki will only eat the corn and lima beans, and rarely a carrot. Does not like the green beans at all!

As long as your baby is eating the BML and fruit, I wouldn't be overly concerned. He should be getting most, if not all, of his nutrients from these!

Good luck...:)

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: none
When: 12:18 PM, 24 Dec 2000

I wouldn't worry so much about the veggies. Mine will almost always eat corn and raw sweet potato. They'll eat peas - only if there is nothing else; Romaine - only on occasion; carrots - only rarely....No big deal if the gliders don't eat mealies. BeBop doesn't always want them even though most of my gliders would eat as much as allowed. You're doing ok...gliders, like people, have individual tastes.

Posted by: ChooRu
Subject: none
When: 1:41 PM, 24 Dec 2000

Well, that's a big relief. Now, since he will only eat the crickets, should I add more to his BML? I usually give him 5. Thanks...

Posted by: Kimi,
Subject: none
When: 5:46 PM, 24 Dec 2000

try some sugar peas, I used to have to shell them for my guys but now that they know what they are, I swear they will tell you the sweet snow peas are as good as corn!