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Posted by: Cecil,
Subject: New Owner, Need Help
When: 1:34 AM, 26 Dec 2000

Hi, i recently bought a sugar glider and i am looking for some help on a few questions.. I've tried feeding her other types of fruits and some yogurt but all she will eat is apples, i put seeds, and a small amount of cat food in with her apples, but i dont think she is eating them, when i come back only the apple slices are thrown to the bottom of the cage, ALso she doesnt EAT the apples she only licks them over and over again.. But she is using the bathroom fine, no problems there. Second how long does it take before you can notice a change in a sugar gliders size from baby to adult? My little girl is just that Little.. wondering when she will get a little bigger.. And Last are there any websites that show good ways of playing with gliders.. like specific games.. Mine we just let her out and let her climb and investigate, then she will come to me and go to sleep.. Also her claws are getting really long and she is sticking to my clothes when she crawls on me, Any good suggestions on cutting her nails..? so i can play with her and make it easier on her.

Thanks Cecil.. If you do reply to this, i dont know how long before i come back and check could you just email me adn tell me to come check it, or will it do that automatically?.. THanks

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: none
When: 3:42 AM, 26 Dec 2000

Your little one needs to be on a better diet. Bad diets cause medical problems and especially with Sugar Gliders. Lack of Calcium and not enough protein is the leading cause of death.

Go to the top of this page and click on Links. The very first link is Bourbons. Please read it and also use her diet plan.

You and your new one will enjoy many, many happy and healty years if you will applie what she has written.


Posted by: O Mysterious One, none
Subject: none
When: 8:18 AM, 26 Dec 2000

I have read (I don't know from personal exsperience) that if you have branches in the cage you can coat part of a branch with sand paper.

I would try to use a more proven method first. You take a small pair of toenail clipers cut the very tip of the nail off. Careful not to cut the pinkish vien though.

Posted by: Cecil,
Subject: none
When: 11:18 AM, 26 Dec 2000

Yeah, I've tried cutting her nails with clippers but she wont stay still long enough and she always seems to move right when i get ready to cut.. so i dont want to accidently take off a whole nail or anything..

Posted by: haic,
Subject: none
When: 6:58 PM, 26 Dec 2000

I wrap my little ones in a cloth to clip their nails, covering their head. I leave one leg out at a time, clip those nails, then pull the next one out of the cloth. They are more relaxed because they feel safer "hiding", and my boy can't express his displeasure by nipping me. Afterward they get a treat and they're much happier because their nails aren't getting caught on everything.

(Be careful not to cut too much off. The part of the nail that is pinkish will bleed if cut. It would be tender and could get infected.)

Don't worry too much though. You'll find a routine that works. I have a boy that gets pretty grumpy about these things, but now it's not so bad. They get so frustrated when their nails are getting caught all the time, so even though they don't like the actual clipping time, they feel much better after.