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Posted by: Angela,
Subject: girl, boy or both?
When: 2:55 PM, 27 Dec 2000

Which sugar glider would be better to have? i know i need to get two even though i cant afford it ill wait & save up for two so they wont be lonely. Should i get a girl/boy pair, or 2 girls, or 2 guys? i dont know if i want to breed, what all do you have to do to get a liscense? & will the parents take care of the whole process unless one is abandoned? Please help-Angela

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Posted by: O Mysterious One, none
Subject: none
When: 3:57 PM, 27 Dec 2000

This is what I took into consideration while chosing what I would (and will since I don't have one yet) prefer.
Well, if you get a male and female they will breed at some point unless you neuter the male. If you don't, you'll get joeys, decided or not!
Once you have that out of the way you can look at females or males. Males tend to fight, although it always varies. Males do have sent glands, but they aren't strong. Females and Males don't have any major, exsclusive problems to each gender. You just have to decide on your own.
I do prefer to get 2 females, but that isn't for any real reason. Most people have that little I-would-prefer without a reason.
You also have to look into wild-caught or captive bred, and joey or adult. I would prefer a captive bred because wild-caught gliders are pretty much wild animals and take longer to bond to. Just one opinion.
I would also like to get a joey because they are easier to bond to.
Hope my long rant helps. This is just what I think so please don't get all over me saying wild-caught gliders can be just as loveable or something like that. Tell her your opinion!

Posted by: O Mysterious One, none
Subject: none
When: 9:04 PM, 27 Dec 2000

<a href=></a>

Go to this site. Click on Critter Central (button near right hand cornor, at top.) Look under sugar gliders and find Lonley Gliders Club. It has a section called Glider Combos. I think it will help.

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: none
When: 2:41 PM, 28 Dec 2000

If you are totally committed to spending a great deal of time with your glider on a daily basis, having one glider is OK. My best advice on getting a glider or any other pet for that matter is to pick the one you like best and vice versa. If you do that and are only planning on one animal, you'll be fine. Animals are individuals and like some people better than others. It would be difficult for me to say whether I prefer m or f - - I have wonderful animals of both sexes and have had nasty ones of both sexes. Good luck! Do you have Caroline MacPherson's book? If you don't, it is a must have for a glider owner.

Posted by: Anna, a
Subject: none
When: 3:27 PM, 28 Dec 2000

This is a forum for discussion. Placements of messages wanting sugar gliders or selling sugar gliders will be deleted.

Posted by: O Mysterious One, none
Subject: breeding
When: 3:51 PM, 28 Dec 2000

K, I believe Angela had another question that I don't have exsperience with. What do you have to do to get a USDA (fill out a quick form, long form, take some kind of test, ect.)

Posted by: O Mysterious One, none
Subject: none
When: 3:52 PM, 28 Dec 2000

Sorry, USDA licience.

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 6:41 PM, 30 Dec 2000

i found something about it going through gliderpedia - laws - animal welfare act - exotic animal dealers-

"Exotic Animal Dealers--Anyone importing, buying, selling, or trading animals foreign to the United States (wild or domesticated) must be licensed. You also must be licensed if you sell domestically bred exotic animals. Annual license fees are based on the amount received from the sale of regulated animals less the amount paid for these animals."

No info on how to get a liscense, though...
but i found adresses to write to for futhur info, according to region-

Further Information
If you need more information about the Animal Welfare Act or your responsibilities in animal care under this legislation, please contact the Animal Care Regional Office for your State.


Animal Care Regional Offices
Eastern Region

Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
Regional Director
920 Main Campus Drive
Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27606
Telephone: (919) 716-5532
Fax: (919) 716-5696


Central Region

Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas
Regional Director
501 Felix Street, Bldg. #11
P.O. Box 6258
Fort Worth, TX 76115-6258
Telephone: (817) 885-6923
Fax: (817) 885-6917


Western Region

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Regional Director
9580 Micron Avenue, Suite J
Sacramento, CA 95827-2623
Telephone: (916) 857-6205
Fax: (916) 857-6212