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Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: dry ears?
When: 6:34 PM, 01 Jan 2001

It looks like my gliders ears have a little bit of dry skin (tiny flakes) on them -- has anyone else had this happen, and what did you do for it? It's very tiny, not a serious problem. Our house is very dry, and we've been running a humidifier to try to help.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: mites?
When: 8:19 PM, 01 Jan 2001

I just read about ear mites; may have been on glider central. It sounded pretty serious so take a look on Real Stories I think. (I have no experience just letting you know about that recent post...)

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: none
When: 2:49 PM, 02 Jan 2001

Debbie, I've read that too -- this is definitely not mites, but dry skin.

Posted by: jman
Subject: dry ears?
When: 3:18 PM, 02 Jan 2001

My female glider has gotten dry ears from time to time. To correct it I've always used a small drop of baby oil and gently rubbed it on her ears. The dryness usually is better in a few days.

Posted by: Furball,
Subject: vit E
When: 8:27 AM, 19 Jan 2001

Try vitamin e oil. It does wonders.

Posted by: Dawn,
When: 2:58 PM, 19 Jan 2001

Thanks everyone. I want to make sure you are all aware that Vitamin E is poisonous to animals -- the only way you can use it on a glider is if you dilute it with baby oil at least 10 drops of baby oil to one drop Vit. E, and even that isn't recommended.

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: dry ears
When: 1:19 AM, 20 Jan 2001

My BooBoo had dry ears for awhile and I wondered if he mite have the mites everyone has talked about..Thankfully, he did not. I actually did not do anything special, but he is fine now - nothing wrong with the ears...I wonder if it might have been diet but I have many other gliders and none of them had the problem. (They obviously get the same things to eat.) I wish you well...Let us know what happened.

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: ears
When: 11:41 PM, 19 Jan 2001

I forgot to mention that we took Petey to the vet about this (just in case) right after I posted the first message in this string. It turned out to be just dry skin, and she said it's due to the winter weather being so dry (we're in Ohio). We're using a humidifier in their room during the day only (removing it at night), and it appears to help.