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Posted by: Lone Starr
Subject: wierd sleeping habits
When: 10:44 PM, 01 Jan 2001

my gliders wake up at night late like 11 and go bed prettyu early usually i think they are getting too much sleep i take them out everyday and play with them for a long time but they sleep alot still and when they are in thier cage when i go to bed and they are awake they just stand in in one place until i turn out the light. Can someone help please?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: none
Subject: none
When: 1:03 AM, 02 Jan 2001

Sounds like normal glider hours to me. Mine get up around 11PM, and if I'm lucky they'll still be up (ona dn off) the next morning.

Posted by: Elizabeth,
Subject: weird sleeping habits
When: 12:21 PM, 02 Jan 2001

This is usual for sugargliders. Exept mine wake up at 7:00 pm. Sometimes I take one of them out in the day, and pet it so it will get use to me. If I take them all out at the same time they'll all try to hide in a dark place. I take them out at night, at that time their running all over the place. I believe your sugargliders have a normal sleeping habit...

Posted by: Heather,
Subject: none
When: 2:05 PM, 02 Jan 2001

You can wake them up at the same time every evening. This will get them on a regular waking schedule and won't be stressfull for them. This will also give you more time to play with them. Try gradually waking them a little earlier every day to get them closer to the time you want them to wake every day. Then start their schedule of waking the same time everyday, like 7 or 8 pm. If I didn't wake mine at 8:00 she would sleep until 11 or 12. Then I would not be able to play with her everynight. I hope this helps. Good luck!

Posted by: sean
Subject: none
When: 3:21 PM, 02 Jan 2001

sounds normal to me...when i got juno she was very skittish, ran everywhere looking for a dark spot when i turned on my desk lamp (i use a low-W green bulb now, btw), once she became comfortable she would just sit and do nothing when the light came on (she still does this if i have to turn on a real light). she usually becomes active inside her nestbox (speaker...long story...) around 8 or 9, bumps around a little inside, and then comes out to play and eat around 10 or whenever the lights go off (10pm and 730am is when i have timers set). it's really important to keep the lights either off or as low as possible, when the lights are on i could swear juno was really a lizard, and when i turn them off she bounces off the walls...keep it dark when you want to play, and light during the day when they sleep itll help establish a more normal sleeping routine...


Posted by: Lone Starr
Subject: none
When: 9:26 PM, 02 Jan 2001

thank you everyone you have all been helpful

Posted by: someone
Subject: none
When: 5:04 PM, 03 Jan 2001

raspberrywink frown smile smile winkraspberry frown raspberryraspberryraspberry