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Posted by: Burt
Subject: Feathers?
When: 5:47 PM, 09 Jan 2001

Are Quaker feathers okay to use as a play toy? I found one on the floor from my bird and he wouldn't even let me put it away before taking it from me! Though I did run it under water. I am a little worried cause he kept "sneezing" I guess. Is that normal? Once I noticed it I tried even harder to get it back and succeeded. He stopped now so I think he's better... Was he alergic or something? THANKS!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: wash first
When: 6:39 PM, 09 Jan 2001

Make sure you wash any feathers you give your gliders, but my gliders love their peacock feathers!

Posted by: Me
Subject: Nose
When: 8:02 PM, 09 Jan 2001

Hey maybe the feather was tickiling his nose. raspberry raspberry raspberry smile