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Posted by: George,
Subject: Bonding
When: 9:40 PM, 12 Jan 2001

what is a good way to bond with a sugar glider? Chip (my sugar glider) likes to spend his time in my shirt roaming around and I was wondering if this is his way of bonding.. also, sometimes he'll be in his pouch or inside my shirt pocket or wherever, and he will start trembling... any help there?? and has anyone figured out what they mean when they make that sneezing sound??

George and Chip

Follow Ups:

Posted by: dagny
Subject: o
When: 10:22 AM, 13 Jan 2001

mine make a sneezing sound when they clean themselves...they "spit" in theit hands and rub it over their faces..and far as the trembeling...this is probably because he is scared..the more you handle him the less of a problem it should be...

Posted by: Kimi,
Subject: bonding
When: 10:44 AM, 13 Jan 2001

As far as bonding goes, if you take him out for a while during the day and let him sleep in your shirt, or in his pouch in your shirt it helps a lot with the bonding process, and dagney pretty much covered the rest....
How old is chip? Have you had him very long?