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Posted by: lizzy,
Subject: HELP!! Should I get another?
When: 11:43 PM, 26 Sep 2000

I have one male glider right now. I have had a total of 4 (including the one I have now). The first died in when it got a neck injury, the second one flew out the window and the third one just disappeared. I have had bad luck with them, but I take extremely good care of them and I dont want another glider to die.

Should I get another? What should I do?
Help please!!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 7:29 AM, 27 Sep 2000

For what it's worth, I would say NO do not get another glider. As you stated, you have not had the best of luck with them.
I would just keep the one you have and spend all your time with him. If you are worried about his being lonely for a mate, then consider getting him neutered. This will clear up those "manly" urges and should calm him down.
As I said, this is my opinion and would be what I would do.
Let us know what you decide smile