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Posted by: Anna J
Subject: About Erics chat(sugar pouch)
When: 3:12 PM, 21 Jan 2001

Dear Sugar pouch...I read your post about Eric, you are right, but why cant he treat us all in that chat with respect too? Treat others like you want to be treated right? Iam not in any means saying he was wrong and I know he runs his chat to how he feels fit because thats his chat and everything. But maybe you wernt there when he yelled and attacked people in the chat who were innocent by standers. This Eric is not god, hes just as human as you and me...Its works both ways you know

Follow Ups:

Posted by: The Sugar Pouch,
Subject: About "Erics" chat
When: 6:39 PM, 21 Jan 2001

This is true... I never said that Eric was GOD.. in fact, he will say the same...
But once again.. it is his chat, and if you choose to join it, then you follow his rules.. or go by his good or bad days.. just like you or I.. he is also "human" as you would say.

But more to the point, my post was directed at the behavior that has been shown in the room as of recent. And I was not trying to point fingers at anyone, but to explain my opinion as to why the room was froze, and still is.

Also, I am having a hard time at why all of these "what happened to chat" posts are even running. If all are so concerned, why did you not just email Eric directly. He is very open to discussion in regards to the decisions he makes on his site, whether they be complaints or complements.

Michelle, aka "The Sugar Glider Nutter"
The Sugar Pouch smile
proud mommie to Mee'sa & Tico, Luna & Mr. Kinks, Sassie & Fraz

Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: Writing Eric
When: 6:59 PM, 21 Jan 2001

Yeah, I wrote Eric and he was very nice about it and wrote me back. He has a tough job with all this and he did what I guess he thought he had to do. Not that I like the chat room to be down. frown

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: Bad day - not rules.
When: 5:56 PM, 21 Jan 2001

I am not even going to go into his gooddays-bad days thing that you spoke about, as I have seen where we are expected to understand that he too is human, and ha made mistakes, but I also have seen what happens when others have done the same. Yeah it is his room, and his board, heck it is even his site, or has sole control over it. And he has every right to play "god", but even god allows people the chance to make mistakes and learn from them and go on, forgiveness? When some choose to , some don't I know there are some that I would NEVER forgive. But being human means making mistakes, that night there wasn't a mistake made that warranted the chat being shut down. The talk wasn't even nasty, but maybe Eric felt disrespected??? who knows, but respect is something you earn, and no one did any thing when the chat was shut down but move into another room. He followed into the other room and shut it all down instantly. He said to cool it, everyone did. He reiterated on rule number 2 which was no foul language. There was no foul language being used, so he said no inuendos either. Okay and then we moved. This had NOTHING to do with the rules. Eric at times in the past has been just as bad as the next guy in there, the only difference is he is the one pulling the plug. He is also the same one that built that 18+ room for that reason, it was not to keep it straight glidertalk, it was so the adults had a place to go and not worry about what they said, it was a totally unmoderated room. When I ask him how we are going to keep the kids out he laughed and said when they all go there it left the other room open..
This is an issue Eric needs to work out within himself, as he has a serious problem in the trust issues and demanding peoples respect. Doing what he can to get it. But it is also something he must live with when he loses respect while demanding it. Eric told me once when i was discussing a similar situation , I was not going to tell him how to run his board. and I am not going to do that now. But defending an issue and making it seem as if He himself hasn't done anything similar to what he is punishing the board for is proposterious. WE as a large group are very guilty, but that includes ERIC himself. But I sure wouldn't have went as far as he did with this. If he has a bad day, then he needs to do what a lot of us do, stay away from the controls. At least when we were mods, we NEVER moderated a thread that we are selves were involved in or had personality conflicts in. If I get banned for speaking my mind then so be it. It is my mind and no one is going to control it.

Posted by: The Sugar Pouch,
Subject: Again..
When: 8:34 PM, 21 Jan 2001

OK.. once again.. and I am going to quote myself... as this is just "My Opinion,"
"I am having a hard time at why all of these "what happened to chat" posts are even running. If all are so concerned, why did you not just email Eric directly. He is very open to discussion in regards to the decisions he makes on his site, whether they be complaints or complements."
I am not gonna get into this, "point fingers, who is right or wrong, or having a bad hair day," like I said before... this is Eric's chat.. and if you have a problem... why aren't you speaking to him direct. I have given my opinion on another post.. but that is just me.... I cannot talk for Eric.. as I am not him.
Maybe he is not being emailed because you do not know of his email address.. so here it is.. if you could not find it on the top of the board... .

Michelle, aka "The Sugar Glider Nutter"
The Sugar Pouch
proud mommie to Mee'sa & Tico, Luna & Mr. Kinks, Sassie & Fraz

Posted by: Nobody
Subject: 4 bourbon
When: 1:58 AM, 22 Jan 2001

If you aren't playing god, try not to act like you are - i.e. there are people you would NEVER that not trying to play god??? (The key word being TRYING)

Eric is human, as most of us are. I don't know him, nor do I care to defend his actions because I don't always agree with him. The night in question may not have been one that was particularly bad, but so be it. There have been nights (like New Year's Eve) when things were very sour, but nothing was done.

All in all, this should be a time of reflection for ALL of us, not just Eric. IT IS TIME TO GIVE THIS A BREAK. If I were Eric, I'd be ticked off about eveyone that did not come to me directly and I'd probably leave the chat shut down until people settled down and got off my case.

Face up to the facts people: Eric has control of this space. The longer you keep things stirred up and him riled, the longer the chat room will probably cease to exist. Maybe he'd be happy if some would go elsewhere and start their own chat. Those of you so unhappy with Eric, go for it. If you can do a better job, go for it. No one is stopping you.