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Posted by: LeandRo,
Subject: Just a Question...
When: 9:09 PM, 04 Oct 2000

Am I The only one who Stays up all night, until 5-6 AM in the morning playing with my Cute Glider? Or is there anyone else out there Who stays up so late playing with their little furry, nocturnal pets? wink

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: I do
When: 9:23 PM, 04 Oct 2000

I stay up all night sometimes...I deffinitly shouldn't! I sometimes play all night go to school and then come home and sleep. I am glad I got him to start waking up earlier because it got to be hard!

Posted by: LeandRo,
Subject: none
When: 10:23 PM, 04 Oct 2000

I have to go to WORK in the morning.... and here i am... Up late, Once more..... ;)

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: me too
When: 11:09 AM, 05 Oct 2000

Yep, there are a lot of nights I do that -- and I have to go to work too! I just hate putting my little ones away! In fact, I often come home from work around 6ish, take a nap until 9:00, then play with them until 2 or 3, sleep another couple hours, then get up early to play with them some more before work at 7:30. Sick, isn't it? wink Glider mania is a disease!

While Petey was sick, I stayed up with him nearly 24/7 for two weeks straight, except for a 4-hour shift my husband would take so I could nap (but even then, I was so worried for him I could barely shut my eyes before I was jumping up to say "is he OK?"). I changed my work schedule so I was working from home during that time (I'm the boss, so I can do that raspberry ).