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Posted by: Randee,
Subject: Mating
When: 6:08 PM, 08 Oct 2000

What age does a female have to be before putting her in the same cage with adult male?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Depends
When: 8:35 PM, 08 Oct 2000

The earliest a female will sexually mature is 6 months old...its is normally around 9 months but can be a little earlier or later.

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 9:07 PM, 08 Oct 2000

I do hope you are not planning on just "putting" a female in a cage with a male when she is sexually mature frown
They should be introduced slowly and allowed to form some sort of bond before actually placing them in the same cage.
Place their cages right next to each other and give them several weeks before actually introducing them to each other. Be sure to keep a close eye on them when first introduced just in case they don't get along.
This doesn't happen often,but all glider personalties are different and you can never be sure. ;)

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: intro page
When: 4:39 AM, 09 Oct 2000

all I am going to say is read this link.

<a href=></a>