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Posted by: Sparky1978,
Subject: Throwing up
When: 11:41 PM, 11 Oct 2000

My little female sugar glider just threw up! I was working with her trying to get her to eat some food (leadbeaters), she got a little on her nose and licked it off. After that she seemed to sneeze then she threw up. She threw up 3 times or so before she stopped. Now she huddled in a corner sitting there looking at me. What should I do???

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Derek,
Subject: throwup
When: 10:15 AM, 12 Oct 2000

my sugarglider threw up the other nite so i took it out of thge cage and fed it some kiwi and stawberries and it hasnt thrown up in a while

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 4:35 PM, 12 Oct 2000

Don't let her continue to throw up without contacting the vet immediately. She can become dehydrated before you realize what is happening, and this can cause very serious problems and even death.
How old is she? You might want to try so VERY WEAK gatorade to help settle her stomach and keep liquids going in.
Let us know how she is doing.

Posted by: Eva And Stefan,
Subject: none
When: 5:14 PM, 12 Oct 2000

I've seen multiple posts of this? I'm sorry she is sick. but the best advice has already been given......take your glider to the VET! we don't know what is wrong with your glider. (not to be mean) but stop posting, get your glider,and go to the VET! Good luck!

Posted by: dagny
Subject: none
When: 6:25 AM, 01 Nov 2000

peadolite (spelling) works well for hydration and there isnt as much sugar ect as gatorade..(pharmacys carry it) you really should go to the vet..vomiting is a very serious problem frown

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 3:27 PM, 01 Nov 2000

Just wanted to see if there was an update on this little glider. Please let us know how she is doing.

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: The glider
When: 5:22 PM, 01 Nov 2000

This post was made like 3 times..the person posted on one of the other ones that the glider was just fine and didn't throw up again. I believe they did take them to the vet...not certain...its probably a couple of pages from here..and well honestly I don't really want to look for it.