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Posted by: david,
Subject: i need help
When: 2:22 AM, 17 Oct 2000

Hello my anme is David and my gliders name is Codie. I am having a hard time tryign to get codie to become social. the last people that had him wernt very nice so i dont knwo what to do. plz plz plz send me anything to help me tame the Code man. thanks

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Judy,
Subject: none
When: 8:16 AM, 17 Oct 2000

David, When I first got Baby, she was a little over 1 year & terrified of the world. She would freeze on the side of her cage until I opened it and the lunge at me crabbing and biting. Previous owner had used welding gloves to handle her. After about a case of bandaids, following Burbons bonding tips,and 10 months, I figured out this was not going to be easy. It takes a lot of patience and love. Now Baby will eat from my hand, let me pet her in the cage,jumps around on me during play time,but it is all at her pace,not mine. Go to Bourbons bonding site and follow the advice given there. <a href=></a> hopefully this will help. Most important LOVE & PATIENCE. raspberry Good luck

Posted by: Winky's mom,
Subject: Patience
When: 8:19 AM, 17 Oct 2000

Hi David. This is the first time I post. I have a similar task in my hands. I've had Winky for a month and she still "crabs" a lot. But, I have patience w/ her. I take it easy. I carry her around in one of her pouches, I watch her eat, etc... If you're just around your glider and show her that YOU are nice and you care, she'll pick up on that. Try giving him his favorite treat in your hand. He'll associate you w/ this tasty treat. Hope that helps!

Posted by: Elizabeth,
Subject: need help
When: 9:38 PM, 02 Jan 2001

Play with Codie in the daytime for 15 minutes and at night for 20. Then he will come to be more sociable. Since theres one of him don't skip a day of playing with him... That could lead to depression raspberry wink smile

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: none
When: 1:45 PM, 04 Jan 2001

I suggest putting your glider in a zippered pouch and taking him with you everyday. As he sleeps he'ss get accustomed to your scent. Whenever you put him in the pouch, offer a treat. It might also be wise to leave a treat in the pouch for him. This, if done daily, should help your glider to bond. ( While he is eating his treat, you could "pet" him, stroke his little head. )