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Posted by: Kitara,
Subject: Give me youe ideas..
When: 4:30 PM, 23 Oct 2000

I would like to know some good ways to get glider education out to the public? What have others done? What works? What does not work? This could be fun, any ideas are welcome. raspberry

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: none
When: 4:40 PM, 23 Oct 2000

I made a sugar glider chat on AOL, if anyone has AOL and wants to go to a sugar glider chat room just go to private rooms and type in sugar glider chat

Posted by: dagny
Subject: none
When: 4:48 PM, 23 Oct 2000

i gave a sugarglider diet to my vet to give to others who have gliders, with leadbeaters recepie and general care..I have thought about giving it also to pet stores that sell gliders to give to people who buy them. most pet stores unfortunatly know next to nothing about the animals they sell and many good intentioned people get a lot of misinformation smile

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: Packets
When: 9:05 PM, 24 Oct 2000

You can make a good glider info packet and ask your vet to give it out to their glider owners you can also try to give them to your local petstores. One employee took it from me and read it and was greatful while the rest were really rude and told me that the info wasn't true.

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 9:18 PM, 24 Oct 2000

I agree with Beck....packets are a good idea. Just don't be discouraged if some don't welcome the effort. I keep info packets in my van, so if someone see's my gliders when they are out and about with me, I can give them a packet of info to read as well as all the usual links on the net to research.

Posted by: Kitara,
Subject: cool:)
When: 9:19 PM, 24 Oct 2000

Thanks for the idea that helps a lot. I want to get the info to as many people as possible.
