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Posted by: Kristen Johnson,
Subject: ouch! Biting problem
When: 4:46 PM, 01 Nov 2000

frown I have just gotten a sugar glider about a week ago. If you all remember me I was lokking for one. i was supposed to get three, but then thought that that would be too many. So I got a 7 week old male named Keiko. He is very cute. I have been taking him everywhere in his pouch, and he likes to climb around the room. He does not come to me from the cage though. I usually take his pouch out and then he comes out by my scrounching it up. he did bite me when I got him he was very scared. { He is more comfortable} I tooj the bite, because I read that you should on a web page and in a book about sugar gliders. Then he would lick me. He stopped biting. Then he started to chew on everything. His cage, and all his toys and food bowls have marks on them. He then bit me, snd continued to lick. The problem is ih that the bite hurt really bad and I had to take my hand away. What should I do? His teeth are sharp now!!!!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: Biting
When: 5:11 PM, 01 Nov 2000

You do have to take the bite but you also have to say NO really loudly so that he knows its not ok. He is maybe testing you right now so you have to teach him that his bites arent going to get you to stop what you are doing.

Also give him tons of licky treats...he needs to elarn to lick not bite.

<a href=></a>

Posted by: carly,
Subject: none
When: 10:13 AM, 02 Nov 2000

If he is biting, then licking, it may be that you taste good. Make sure you wash your hands well before handling him, especialy if you have recently handled his food, or yours!

Posted by: Kitara,
Subject: In my opinion
When: 10:29 AM, 02 Nov 2000

I dont think he should have been weaned at 7 weeks. That is still a litle to young to be taken away from his parents and could make him a little more fearful. As Mary said you need to be offering him LOTS of licky treats, and dont pull your hand away! By pulling your hand away you are reinforcing the bad behavior. He is afraid, it will take time for him to learn you are not going to hurt him. The bonding process is just that a process. I know the bite hurt but take it anyway or it will be that much longer and harder for him to learn. Remember you are teaching him NOT the other way around. Good luck and give him love for me wink wink
