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Posted by: Angela,
Subject: Cages
When: 10:18 PM, 01 Nov 2000

I have a good idea where I would get a cage if I get a sugar glider it is at and I'm not sure if cage 1 or cage 2 would be good. Does anyone recommend anything? raspberry

Follow Ups:

Posted by: dagny
Subject: none
When: 5:15 AM, 02 Nov 2000

i have been really happy with a large bird cage..the only catch is you have to find one that is large enough, with bars that are close enough together...they are easy to clean, easy to access (the door is pretty big), anyway just my two cents raspberry

Posted by: Jane
Subject: none
When: 7:00 AM, 02 Nov 2000

Bird cages are often VERY bad for gliders. Their bars tend to be vertical making the cage difficult to climb on. Also the spacing is often not the best. You would be best to get vinyl coated wire and make a cage yourself.

Posted by: Brittney Jones,
Subject: none
When: 7:45 AM, 02 Nov 2000

I agree that vinyl coated wire is the best. I started out with a bird cage, and when I switched to a vinyl coated cage, my gliders were all much more active and much happier. It's important that the wire be coated for many reasons. Galvanized wire holds the smell more than coated wire. Coated wire is easier on their little feet. Coated wire is also easier to clean.

There is huge debate over how large the cage needs to be, but most people agree that the smallest it should be is 2' x 2' x 3' for two gliders. With any more gliders, you will need a larger cage in order to give them sufficient room in which to play.

The least expensive way to get a coated cage that is large enough is to build your own. It is usually hard to find coated wire, so I simply emailed Klubertanz and ordered a free catalog. I bought wire from them for $45 and was able to build a cage that was 2' x 2' x 5'. The only draw back that I found was that they did not offer the length of wire I wanted at a cut per foot price. That's why I only made mine 2' x 2'. The web page listed below gives a great description of how to build your own cage.

If you don't want to build your own and would rather simply buy one, martins cages sells coated cages up to 4' in height. I know someone that bought one of these cages, and they are wonderful, especially for the price. That web site is also listed below.

I hope this helps a little in your decision.

Klubertanz email:
cage building instructions:
matins cages web site:


Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 9:21 AM, 02 Nov 2000

Thanks, maybe I will make one. raspberry

Posted by: Kitara,
Subject: Yup
When: 9:48 AM, 02 Nov 2000

I totally agree with Jane, bird cages are NOT a suitable cage for gliders. Most of my rescues have come in bird cages and some have had hurt feet because of the verticle wire . They cant grip it well enough and then they slide causing their feet to get hurt.


Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 11:06 AM, 02 Nov 2000

Yeah, I have been hearing quite a bit that they can get there feet caught. Kitara, should I just make a cage?

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 11:14 AM, 02 Nov 2000

raspberry Any real good tips on making cages? raspberry

Posted by: Kitara,
Subject: Its up to you
When: 3:34 AM, 02 Nov 2000

Well thats a decision you and your parents are going to have to make. You must remember through all your learning and reading, and talking to the folks here that the ultimate decisions belong to your parents. Your mom and I discussed you waiting on a glider till after you get moved in the spring, So I would just take this time to learn all you can and get to know other glider folks.

Posted by: Jill,
Subject: none
When: 3:25 PM, 03 Nov 2000

I know that I am late posting but I have been real happy with my glider cage. The gliders have fun in it too. I also started out with a bird cage but wasn't happy with it. So I called a commercial animal place and they made the cage for me using the coated wire and I got to design it myself. It only cost about $150.00 Just my opinion in there b/c I didn't have time to make one myself much less learn how to smile

Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: Bird Cage
When: 6:35 AM, 04 Nov 2000

I have my baby in a bird cage. It's coated with vinyl, and the bars on the two sides are horizontal, and thats where she climbs. We have both been happy with it =) Just my opinion. I know that a large home made cage is best, but I don't have the time or the space for that. So if you can find a big bird cage with horizontal wires, I don't see a problem with it.

Lauren smile And Sydney

Posted by: Kitara,
Subject: none
When: 1:11 PM, 04 Nov 2000

Bird cages are NOT at all apropriate housing for gliders!!! Angela, I will call you this afternoon.


Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 1:15 PM, 04 Nov 2000

OK, I will be listening for your phone call. wink smile raspberry

Posted by: glider vapor,
Subject: cages
When: 10:23 PM, 04 Nov 2000

I am forced to buy a 4' x 50' rool of black pvc coated 1" x 1/2" wire mesh, I really only need 25-30' of this and as you can see........ ....I will have around 20' of it left, that is about 80 square feet, enough for a nice size cage, or several individual traveling cages. If you are intrested in the remaining 4' x 20' rool of 1" x 1/2" black pvc coated cage material, contact me or leave a message below.

Thank You

Posted by: mike,
Subject: remaining wire
When: 12:56 PM, 06 Nov 2000

Were you interested in selling, or simply giving away the remaining wire? I am in the process of purchasing my new glider, however, I am in need of wire and supplies. Also, how much did the total bill to build a new cage come out to?
