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Posted by: carly,
Subject: Oh yeah,...
When: 10:49 AM, 02 Nov 2000

long message i know, SORRY! But is the chat room only open certain times? I can't get into it!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Tina Marie,
Subject: none
When: 10:56 AM, 02 Nov 2000

I think it is open all the time, there just isnt some one in there all the time. I sure do with more people would chat in there because it sure is nice to be able to chat glider! Maybe in the long run a goal can be for some one who KNOWS gliders to be in there at all times, so it is a place people can go to for information and for their questions to be answered... just an idea....

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: Tried before
When: 6:03 AM, 02 Nov 2000

We have tried in the past to get people to all chat at the same time but its not easy to do. Maybe someone else will try now? Post a certain day and time and try to get others in there.