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Posted by: ron clay
Subject: can they be fed frozen fruit?
When: 6:06 PM, 06 Nov 2000

can you feed frozen fruit to gliders?
or must you thaw it first?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: none
When: 6:21 PM, 06 Nov 2000

It can be frozen when you give it to them, frozen fruit thaws quickly so if you throw it in there with everything else, by the time they get to it, it should be fine. Sometimes they will lick it when it is still frozen. What else do you feed your glider?

Posted by: ron clay
Subject: none
When: 7:11 PM, 06 Nov 2000

Posted by: ron clay
Subject: none
When: 7:12 PM, 06 Nov 2000

its alwyas been thawed fruit , fresh fruit and vegs and ohters things to balance the diet,

Posted by: glider vapor,
Subject: FROZEN
When: 8:34 PM, 06 Nov 2000

My glider LOVE frozen grapes

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: none
When: 12:05 PM, 07 Nov 2000

CAUTION -- be extremely careful giving your critters frozen stuff -- if the frozen item is dry (not starting to melt), their tongue can stick to the surface when they lick it. While this may sound funny (what's that Xmas movie where the kid gets his tongue stuck to the pole?), it can have serious consequences -- their tongues are very thin and can get frostbite quickly.

Even if they don't frostbite, the cold can numb their tongue, which can result in it getting bitten. Just be careful! :-)