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Posted by: chrissy,
Subject: leadbeaters amount?
When: 1:10 AM, 08 Nov 2000

is a baby food jar cap (like the cap for the yogart juice for leadbeaters) full of leadbeaters enough leadbeaters for one glider, I ask this because I have a fat glider a skiny glider and an average glider in one cage i want to split them up during feeding I also have a newby to my family an adopted two yr old nuetered male that is in his own cage at the moment, and that is four seperate dishes of food I have been feeding the trio together but since there is a distinct difference in the girls sizes I thought that since they are both pregnant I need to be sure that they are getting enough food, so the crates that I have in the cage have squares on the bottom that hold a jar lid perfectly and cannot be tipped over I just want to make sure that they are getting enough.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Sheila,
Subject: none
When: 2:40 PM, 08 Nov 2000

one Tablespoon per glider, just measure it and then put in the top to see