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Posted by: Jesse,
Subject: none
When: 4:07 PM, 12 Nov 2000

I was wondering. If I were to get a glider I would probably play with it in the morning as I thnk that would work best for me. About what time would I need to get up. wink wink

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Jenny,
Subject: none
When: 4:23 PM, 12 Nov 2000

Sugar Gliders sleep at day and are awake at night. So you might need to play with it late at night "like 10:00" or early in the morning "like i think 5:00". But you can make it so they sleep at night and visa versa. You can do this by making it dark during the day so it is like night to them. And light during the night, like keeping the light on. I dont know if that is good for them but many people i know do it. HOPE THIS HELP wink

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: Times
When: 2:59 PM, 13 Nov 2000

Well my glider goes to bed as soon as the sunlight really starts to come in the window. Normally around 6:30 am. Gliders need at least 2 hrs of playtime a day. Most nights I play with mine for 3 or 4 hrs...weekends even longer. The more you play with them the happier they are. Also for a real good bond you really need more than 2 hrs a night.

For the minimum of 2 hrs you would probably have to get up at 4 am...earlier if you wnated more than 2 hrs of playtime.

Posted by: Jesse,
Subject: times/playtime
When: 9:04 PM, 13 Nov 2000

Thanks for answering my message I really appreciate it. I was Just wondering how dark of a room they will tolerate? Thanks you are helping. wink smile raspberry

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 5:03 PM, 14 Nov 2000

How dark of a room they will tolerate? Most gliders like playing a very dark room...with only a night light on. I don't think gliders mind at all about the room being too dark.