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Posted by: chrissy,
Subject: trio..and newbie (long)
When: 11:11 AM, 15 Nov 2000

okay heres the situation, I have a trio of gliders unfortinatly the females are both w/joeys in pouch, I had my two girls first since they where 2mths oop. I adopted the male later and added him to the family they all get along real well. Or they did.... see the girls I see fighting over food from time to time, one of my girl Louise is smaller she only has one joey in pouch and she seems to be further along, I feed her seperate from time to time so to assure that Thlema the fat one is not eatting all her food. I recently got a new male glider (this one already nuetered) I want to seperate the females because I am worried about the joeys. I dont want the girls to kill eachothers joeys, but the male I got I have only had for almost 2wks so he is in quarantine, also he is in a bird cage type thing and if they all seem to get along when the time comes to add him to the family will it be safe for the joeys and mothers if I put them all in the same cage (IF THEY ALL GET ALONG) or would it be best to keep them seperated male and female in one male and female in another, the cage i have my trio in is 4ft tall 2ft deep and 3ft wide. seem pleanty big for four gliders and the cage I have my new male in is SO SMALL in comparison. I know this is long but any advice is appreciated, ....oh yeah, I plan to get the male fixed soon!!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Jane
Subject: none
When: 11:34 AM, 15 Nov 2000

Please put the two pairs in separate cages. By creating pseudo breeding pairs they will need territory and my guess tehy would fight to the death. As to cage size it is ok but not superhuge for four gliders. I myself provide about 8 cubic feet per glider minimum- (two cages 1 for 5 which is 4' by 5' by 2' and 1 for 2 which is 2' by 2' by 5') and provide at least three shelves per cage that gives more surface area. Remember More is always better than less for glider cages.

Posted by: chrissy,
Subject: none
When: 2:08 PM, 15 Nov 2000

even if I have the first male nuetered after the joeys are older would I be able to put them all in the same cage,
And I cannot seperate the females at this time I only have the two cages the male should be quarantined for one mnth so he is in the smaller cage and the rest are in the larger cage, I plan to move in april and will have a much larger room for the gliders and plan to build larger cages, but would I be able to build one real large cage and put them all together if the male is nuetered I would like to play with them all together so I would like them all to be together if possible. I know that that is not possible at this time, what about my females that are together now while the joeys are in pouch what about them, will they still be in pouch in two weeks the one smaller glider her stomach is huge and you can see it moving while she is on the bars of the cage, two weeks I will be able to try and move her in with my new male, who is extremely friendly and they will hopefully get along... thanks for the advice jane.

Posted by: Jane
Subject: none
When: 2:22 PM, 15 Nov 2000

I would not try to put two adult males together at any point. If you can neuter your second male (finding new homes for the joeys is too heartbreaking take it from me) please do. I would keep your second male in the second cage small as it is and let him spend most of his time with you, in a pouch or playing. When you move then make a second cage and figure out which female likes him best. My guess is he will love either after being on his own. If you spend the next four months giving him special attention then he will turn really sweet,
Good luck