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Posted by: Erik,
Subject: Help with PA authorities
When: 5:38 PM, 18 Nov 2000

Hi Ya'll
Me again. LOL
If some of ya jump the fence now and then and run over to GC(sorry Eric) ya know(maybe) that im planning on going to PA for a very short time sometime in Jan. I contacted the appropriate auths, and they gave me some stuff. I sent it in like a good little boy, but now that they gave it to someone without a clue as to what their doing, they put the stoppper on it for a bit.
Anyone else know anything about how to go about this. Im pretty lost at this point....
Erik and Co.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: none
When: 1:46 PM, 20 Nov 2000

I sent this on to someone who may be able to help you

Posted by: Erik,
Subject: none
When: 3:21 PM, 20 Nov 2000

B, btw, might I ask ya for permission to copy/reprint the leadbeaters recipie?
not in your form, but rewritten, just the same ingreds, etc?


Posted by: IrishCreme
Subject: none
When: 8:00 PM, 20 Nov 2000

Hi Erik...
Ok, time for a few questions. smile
1. Who did you forward the completed information to?
2. What typs of ppwk did you fill out?
3. Did you keep a copy of it for yourself?
4. Where are you visiting? (Scranton, I believe?)

Posted by: Erik,
Subject: none
When: 12:07 AM, 21 Nov 2000

Hawley, the scranton, but yeah. I sent a completed "animal transfer form" to the fish and wildlife services, dept of animal welfare, I believe.
i did not, unfortunatly, keep a copy.

There were some pretty odd questions there, now that I think about it.
Uh oh!
Erik and Co. frown frown