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 kazko's Medical-Neuters
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kazko's Medical-Neuters

Boy wearing his collar after neuter.

Chico and Lucky not so happily wearing their larger collars to prevent them from messing with their deflated pom poms.

After neuter, pom is closed with surgical glue.

A quick and easy e-collar can be made from a plastic lid to a yogurt or similar container. Cut to the center, cut out a teardrop shaped hole large enough for the neck, pad it with a little tape, apply around the neck by overlapping the ends and using a s

A quick and easy e-collar made from the lid to a yogurt container. Fold the ends over each other and it will funnel out.

A sugar glider genitalia at rest as you will often find it while waking, marking or in heat.

A sugar glider genitalia at rest as you will often find it while waking up the animal, marking or in heat.

Little Guy after his neuter on 5/01/2007

Sentanced to the gas chamber for initial knockout.

Gettin ready for surgery.

Buddy's got the ball!

One minute til kickoff!

Buddy with no testicles

Eric feeding Buddy some Peach Soy Yogurt.

Buddy really calmed down when he was put with his family.

Buddy trying to rest.

Big Guy waking up with his e-collar on
kazko's Medical-Neuters
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 kazko's Medical-Neuters
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